Let's Connect
Our friendly and educated team is here to partner with you every step of the way. Connect today to learn of all the ways to partner with The Common Market.
Delivering local food for the common good.
At The Common Market, we know our growers personally, understand their farming practices and have on-the-ground experience at their farms. We are working to build a sustainable regional food system by sourcing from producers who use responsible farming methods and business practices.
All of our vendors must meet the following criteria:
If you have questions about the growing practices of our farmers, our food safety program or our product availability, please get in touch!
Contact texas@thecommonmarket.org or call (832) 356-6911 ext. 61.
Our friendly and educated team is here to partner with you every step of the way. Connect today to learn of all the ways to partner with The Common Market.
"We love working with Common Market and consider them a valuable partner. It has enabled us to grow more crops and diversify."
— Curt Fifer, Sales Manager, Fifer Orchards